Privacy policy

Everything you need to know about protecting your data.

Processing your data

The protection of your privacy and data is very important to us. We are committed to offering the highest standards of products and services. Thus, we value each of our existing or potential customers and aim to maintain appropriate protection of your personal data (" Data ").

The processing of this Data is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the " GDPR ") and the French law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 (" Data Protection Act ").

Who is the data controller?

The company NABU, publisher of the website (hereinafter the " Site ") is the Data Controller (hereinafter the " Data Controller ").

By using the Site, you consent and agree to the use of your Data by the Data Controller, in accordance with this Privacy Policy. 

What data is collected?

During your exchanges with customer service and more generally when you browse our Site, the Data Controller is required to process your information, some of which is likely to identify you. 

This data may include:

  • The information you have communicated to us directly: your name; Names; postal address; email; telephone number; Encrypted username and password allowing identification on the site.
  • Data collected automatically (cookies): IP address and identifiers of computer equipment; the operating system used by the device; type and version of the browser software used; date and time of connection to the site.
  • Data collected when you browse the Site: your browsing history (e.g. date, time of connection and/or browsing, pages visited), type of device and browser, your location, browser language, access provider, IP address.

We do not collect sensitive Data such as racial or ethnic origins, political, philosophical or religious opinions, trade union membership, Data relating to health, sex life or offences, convictions and security measures.

What are the purposes of the processing?

Your data is used for a number of reasons, including to provide and improve the services we offer you. 

Each processing of your data is legally based either on your consent, on a contract concluded with you, or on a legal obligation and/or our legitimate interest overriding depending on the purpose of the processing.

  • To provide the Services offered by the Site (Legal basis: a contract)
  • Manage customer relations and any complaints you may have (Legal basis: a contract)
  • Manage requests related to the exercise of your Data rights (Legal basis: a contract)
  • Enjoy a personalized browsing experience based on your purchase history and your navigation on the Site (Legal basis: your consent)
  • Accessing and using the Site (Legal basis: our legitimate interest)
  • To analyse and improve the quality and performance of services (Legal basis: our legitimate interest)
  • To improve the services offered, including artificial intelligence algorithms (Legal basis: our legitimate interest)
  • To track the use of the Site and improve your experience (Legal basis: our legitimate interest)
  • To safeguard our legal rights and obligations (Legal basis: our legitimate interest)
  • Manage transactions and combat fraud (Legal basis: our legitimate interest)
  • To develop statistics and segmentations, studies and analyses in order to improve the knowledge of our customers (Legal basis: our legitimate interest)

Who are the recipients of your data?

The Data is mainly intended for the Data Controller, its employees for the execution of the purposes mentioned in Article 3, as well as the subcontractor, which is as follows:

The hosting provider: AWS.

Details of the processing of this Data by the provider are available at the following links: 

The hosting provider:

The Data Controller undertakes not to communicate, assign or transfer the Data to other third parties without your express consent. However, it may be communicated to comply with legal, regulatory, judicial or administrative obligations.

How long do we keep your data?

The Data is kept for the time necessary to meet the aforementioned purposes, but the retention period may not exceed two (2) years from the last interaction with the Site. The Data Controller takes reasonable measures to ensure their confidentiality. 

Once your Data has been deleted from our database, some of your Data may be kept in the form of an archive with restricted and strictly limited access for the purposes of satisfying our legal, accounting and tax obligations, but also to manage your possible claims and warranty requests within the limits of the applicable limitation periods.

Once your Data is no longer required for purposes or archiving purposes to comply with our legal obligations or for the purposes of the applicable statute of limitations, your Data will be irreversibly anonymized.

At any time, you have the option of requesting the deletion of all or part of your Data, objecting to its processing or requesting its restriction, in accordance with Article 4 above. In the event of a request to delete your Data, it will be deleted from our database and kept in archive form as indicated above.

What rights do you have with regard to your data?

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and the GDPR, you have and can exercise the following rights with us:

  • Right of access : You have the right to know what Data we hold about you.
  • Right to rectification : you can request the rectification of inaccurate or incomplete information concerning you. It is to prevent us from using or disseminating false information about you.
  • Right to erasure : you have the right to ask us to delete your Data (subject to the terms and conditions set out in Article 8 below).
  • Right to object: You can object at any time to our use of some of your Data.
  • Right to portability: you have the option of retrieving part of your Data in a machine-readable format. You may freely store such Portable Data elsewhere or easily transmit it from one system to another, for reuse for other purposes.
  • Right to information: you have the right to be informed about the use of your Data.

You can exercise your rights by contacting the Data Controller:

  • By email to the following email address: ; or
  • By post to the following postal address: 9 avenue de la Paix Simone Veil 67000 STRASBOURG. 
  • The Data Controller has the Website hosted by a specialised AWS service provider whose information is contained in the Legal Notice.

How is the data secured?

The Data Controller undertakes to take all technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection and security of the Data, in particular against any loss, alteration, dissemination or illegal use. 

It also ensures that the third parties it may call upon (technical service providers, suppliers) comply with this Data protection requirement by implementing appropriate measures, in accordance with the applicable legislation. The technical and organizational measures put in place may include the use of secure registration forms, the encryption of certain Data (such as Bank Data), and restricted access to Personal Data. 

Finally, we invite you to exercise the utmost caution in communicating your personal Data, usernames and passwords allowing access to the Site.

Some messages or solicitations may come from malicious people seeking to obtain personal information about you for fraudulent use (phishing). If you receive a message that appears to be a phishing attempt, you are advised not to reply to it and not to open any attachments, images, or links in the message. You can report it by email at and on

Transfer of personal data

The Site is hosted by AWS on physical servers in France.  The Data is processed via various software and applications by the Data Controller. This software and applications are hosted on secure servers in Europe under conditions that comply with the applicable regulations.

In the event that Data is transferred to a country outside the European Union, we undertake to take the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the appropriate level of security of your Data as if it had remained within the European Union.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

If this Privacy Policy is changed, the date the Policy was updated will be updated to indicate the day on which the changes were made. 

If the changes are significant, you will be notified by email. The new version will apply as of your new connection to the Site.  

In the event of a dispute between you and the Data Controller, the Policy to be taken into account will be the one in force at the time of the facts giving rise to the dispute.


In general, if you have any questions or comments about this Policy or about the Controller's use of your Data, you can contact us at the following address:

Finally, we would like to point out that in the event of a complaint relating to the protection of your Personal Data, you can also contact the French supervisory authority, the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés, whose website is accessible at the following address: .

In the event that Data is transferred to a country outside the European Union, we undertake to take the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the appropriate level of security of your Data as if it had remained within the European Union.


When you browse our website, at the address (the " Site "), browsing data may be collected, if necessary with your prior consent, from cookies placed on our Site. During their lifetime, these cookies will help improve your experience. The purpose of this section is to provide you with clear and complete information on the origin and use of cookies that are placed on your device (desktop or mobile computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when you visit our Site and on the means available to you if you wish to oppose them.

What is a cookie?

A cookie (or "tracer") is a small computer file, deposited and read when you visit a website. The term cookie includes, for example, http cookies , flash cookies , the result of fingerprinting, pixel tags or any other identifier generated by software or an operating system, for example.

What are the functionalities of cookies?

The Cookies that are placed on the Site are of several types and each serve different purposes:

Technical cookies (including audience measurement cookies): they allow us to know whether or not you are connected to your customer area or reserved area, management of your selection of products or services, etc. The site may also use statistics, audience and measurement cookies to determine the number of visitors and the sections visited.

Optional cookies : These are intended to improve the user experience and facilitate the user's research by offering products and offers related to their interests.

Advertising cookies : if you accept them, they allow us to display on the web pages you visit advertisements that are tailored and personalised to your profile and interests on third-party websites with advertising space. These ads will be served to you based on your browsing history, purchases, or location data, for example.

How to set your cookies?

Apart from Cookies that are strictly necessary for the operation of the Site, you can decide, at any time, to accept or refuse all or some of the Cookies

To manage your cookies, you can access our cookie settings tool directly on your browser by clicking on the links available below: 

How long does your cookie consent last?

The validity period of your consent to the installation of Cookies is six (6) months from the date of your choice. At the end of this period, we will ask you to renew your consent. If you have not expressed any choice, we may contact you again to find out your intentions. In any case, you retain the possibility of withdrawing your consent at any time by using our Cookie settings tool.

What are the consequences if you refuse cookies?

By configuring your Cookies in the settings tool or in your browser, you may modify your browsing experience on the Site, and no longer take advantage of certain features. For example, by refusing the deposit of performance and personalisation Cookies, your browsing on the Website will no longer be adapted to your preferences, particularly with regard to the products you have viewed. We also decline any responsibility for any browsing difficulties you may encounter following your decision to delete Cookies.
